Closed for Construction on HWY 85

Closure in Chatfield State Park, Rocky Mountains

The trail underpass connecting the trail east and west of US 85 is closed for construction until at least Fall of 2025.

This project will improve safety, mobility, and traffic operations by widening (from four to six lanes) and reconstructing a segment of US 85 (South Santa Fe Drive) from Highlands Ranch Parkway, extending north of  the C-470 Interchange to Dad Clark Gulch (which is located approximately 1,200 feet north of County Line Road). Major US 85 intersection improvements will occur at Highlands Ranch Parkway, Town Center Drive, Blakeland Drive, the C-470 Interchange ramps and at County Line Road. The project also includes the replacement and widening of the existing bridge that carries US 85 over C-470.

Multimodal improvements include bus stop enhancements, a new shared-use path for bicyclists and pedestrians on the east side of US 85, a below-grade crossing for the C-470 Trail at US 85, a below-grade crossing for the High Line Canal Trail at US 85, and a new pedestrian link from the Wolhurst community to the C-470 Trail.

The project also includes the addition of continuous auxiliary lanes, new asphalt paving, relocation of utilities, raised medians, new curb and gutter, and a new closed storm sewer system with water quality ponds.

Timeline: Fall 2022 to Fall 2025

Until November 1st
Last Updated