Sand Canyon Pueblo

420-Room Pueblo Ruins

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in Canyons of the Ancients National Monument
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Less than a quarter of a mile from the trailhead, the Sand Canyon Pueblo interpretive site offers a glimpse into the lives of Ancestral Puebloans around the year 1200. 

Many more ruins can be seen by heading south along the relatively difficult Sand Canyon Trail or by driving  to the Sand Canyon Trailhead and exploring its trail system from there. 

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Sand Canyon Pueblo includes the remains of about 420 rooms, 100 kivas and 14 towers. Researchers from the Crow Canyon Archaeological Center excavated several rooms from 1983 to 1993, and then backfilled them to protect standing walls and preserve the site. Interpretive signs provide Native American insights and archaeological perspectives, show how the site was laid out, and display drawings of what Sand Canyon Pueblo might have looked like in the mid-1200s.

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